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oh please.

own a guitar
Sony camera
Learn how to play the guitar
iPod nano 4th generation
Roxy bag
Learn how to play the drums
Be super pro in Fencing
Pink volleyball
Another piercing
Lightblue skinnies
Clique outing
C-walk more pro
Tube Dress
Learn hip-hop dance
Watch twilight&MADAGASCAR 2!&BOLT


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Cheryl Y
Cheryl L
Hannah Nah(:
Jie Min(:
Mel Poh(:
Michelle Wong(:
Designer Basecodes

November 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009
Hello. My name is melmakSY♥.
:D! Give me presents! On 1707! I'll accept anything! :D
I'm an SJCian currently in 1F 2h, haha.:D
Currently single and unavailable!:D
Some people calls her Mel:P
A very RANDOM and Crazy girl:D
She belongs to the SJC Fencing Team:D
Like this, If no click x and GTH!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008!
HandWritten on; 9:16 PM

Today was my "geog" test,the test was like so hard lorh!I only know the first 5 questions then dunno liao,so stared blankly into space!i know i will fail the freaking test!But who cares?! hahas!During recess,i bought like 2 packets of patato chips,3 packets of stick biscuit and 2 packets of pocky!My friend said ltr i become fat,but hu cares?l0lx!During eng,Nanny was bored,so she started passing an imaginary stone to me,then i pass to mala,then mala threw the pao at the devil gal a.k.a monisha(my guardian angel 4 the valentine's thingy!)then the devil gal got hit by the stone then mala kept laughing and said,"haha! eu died!eu just got hit by e huge stone and now ur head is bleeding!Muahahahaha!" it was like so funny lorhx and very retarted!
It was Character Development!We went to the com lab then the teacher kept toking abt the safety of com blah blah blah...Then he talked abt "that thing" then everyone became like so interested!It was like WTH?They kept asking question abt "that thing" then the instructor said,"i've got nothing to say." -.-"!o.o!It's so funny!
After sch00l i stayed back for fencing!We were like doing warm ups,then got one sec 2 gal came uo to me and BMW and said i like porn!We were like "ok these ppl are sick!"Hais fencing is so tiring larh!must do foot work and Whatevrr shhhhhhiitt!ltr get muscle pain again!l0lx!But the seniors are like very kind alr!They gave us valentine gifts!yay!When i came bak home,a story my friend told me suddenly struck into my head so i started to read it!It's very sad!http://universalbuddy.tripod.com/story.htm


Tuesday, February 12, 2008!
HandWritten on; 8:01 PM

erm...wad happen todae arh?l0lx i so sotong! My IQ is decreasing!l0lx!erm...i dun rmbr wad happen todae... oh rite...todae was another boring school day...erm... i took e bus wib my bestie in e morning,then when we got onto the bus,there was lots of shuai ge then got one guy at the back kept staring at me i feel like bu shu fu lorhs...The whole bus trip was so SQUEEZY!l0lx...
When i reached school,i headed to e canteen then my friends were like shouting my name lorhs...hahas funny right?l0lx!during art period,out art teacher wasn't in school so we didn't have art then a relieve teacher came and took over her...We bullied the teacher!hahas...I kept rolling the chair all over the lab then my friend painted my hand green l0lx... green hands! o.0!After school,all the dancers from ae1 and ae2 stayed back...The performance 4 ae2 was hiphop dance and it was like horrondous!ashleigh and V.K. fought and then ash was like so freaking mad n sad while V.K was damn angry lorhs! CHILL larh! then i was like sitting on the chair just staring into blank space i'm like daydreaming... haiz!Then sister roberts started doodling on the whiteboard.After AE,KARI and i went back home on the same bus,then we tok shhhhiiiiiiittttt on e bus hahas!When i reached home, i saw my bro's fwens,they were like so shuaiiii!!!! ^^ hahax!They melt my heart!yea! :D AAAHH!FORGOT TOMORROW IS GEOG TEST!Need to study liao or else I'll get beaten! (SO OLD LIAO STILL BEAT ME FOR WAD?)


Monday, February 11, 2008!
HandWritten on; 5:44 PM

PLS TAG PPL!!!!!!!!! XD *picks up book and continues to read*

HandWritten on; 5:33 PM

Bleahs!So long nvr write lerh!Anywayz...I got into fencing!It's sort of the cca i wan.lawls... but all my friends say that fencing is lame... l0lx.Wadeva larh.Some ppl got into the cca they dislike l0lx... really sympathy them.Ahhhhhhhh!Ct is on wed better study or else ltr fail will kena killed!