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oh please.

own a guitar
Sony camera
Learn how to play the guitar
iPod nano 4th generation
Roxy bag
Learn how to play the drums
Be super pro in Fencing
Pink volleyball
Another piercing
Lightblue skinnies
Clique outing
C-walk more pro
Tube Dress
Learn hip-hop dance
Watch twilight&MADAGASCAR 2!&BOLT


Sing along.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheryl Y
Cheryl L
Hannah Nah(:
Jie Min(:
Mel Poh(:
Michelle Wong(:
Designer Basecodes

November 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009
Hello. My name is melmakSY♥.
:D! Give me presents! On 1707! I'll accept anything! :D
I'm an SJCian currently in 1F 2h, haha.:D
Currently single and unavailable!:D
Some people calls her Mel:P
A very RANDOM and Crazy girl:D
She belongs to the SJC Fencing Team:D
Like this, If no click x and GTH!

Thursday, December 18, 2008!
HandWritten on; 11:05 PM

Esther came to my house again.Went to the nearby Indian shop for lunch and ate roti prata.Since we were hungry,we ordered another plate of tissue prata.The guy asked us if we wanted Chocolate and honey and I was like the quy just joking about the chocolate and Honey thingy luh then I told Esther he just joking luh.I think I said too soon.He really did put the honey and chocolate thing,although it doesn't sound nice,but it actually taste nice.

The tissue Prata(:

Me taking the first try(:

Esther enjoying the Prata?
Oh!Since it was honey,bees were coming and it was like damn disgusting.

After that,went to watch twilight movie wib Jash , Juanita(I told you I'll always get what I want>.<) & Esther(turtle). The movie turned out to be a a disgrace.They cut off most of the important part and the action. *sigh*
Oh!After the movie,we windowed shop at the wig store and Jash and esther were like trying on some funny looking wigs.Esther tried on an afro looking wig which was damn funny luh.Oh!We pulled down the Afro weaks by ourselves,and the shop staff was like damn mad,and she wanted to chase us out.But,we hack care,just continued staying in the shop and rearranging the wigs there,until we were satisfied,then we left.
Reached home around 8?Haiz.Lazy lerh.

7 more days till christmas party
1 more day till outing with friends?
5 more days till orchard outing
6 more days till christmmas eve party.

HandWritten on; 10:32 PM

Since I'm bored,I'll just do this random quiz I found on someone's bloq(Hope youhs don't mind)
[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.
[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.

[ ] I have/had braces.
[x] I wear glasses.(When need to use.)
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 percent safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[x] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. (freaked me right out ._.)
[ ] I have more than 2 piercings.
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[x] I have freckles.
[ ] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[x] I've been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.
[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[ ] Disney movies still make me cry.
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[ ] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[x] I've glued my hand to something (a piece of paper ._. )
[ ] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[ ] I've had my trousers rip in public.
[x] I'm single
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[x] I miss someone right now.
[ ] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've cheated in a relationship.
[ ] I've gotten divorced
[ ] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[x] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.
[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.
[x ] I've hugged a stranger.
[ ] I have kissed a stranger.
HONESTY[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[ ] I've snuck out of my house.(tried to,but FAILED .__.)
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[x] I've cheated on a test.____.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[x] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] I regularly drink.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[x] I shut others out when I'm upset.
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic.
[ ] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[ ] I've hurt myself on purpose.
[ ] I'm addicted to self harm.
[ ] I've woken up crying

Wednesday, December 17, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10:11 PM

Damn.Today's training was pathetic,didn't really do much.1:Cause my partber wasn't here. 002:Cause my boob guard(IMPT!) was stolen 3:I didn't have the mood to fence): Oh riqht!We had this new russian female coach and she was like super old (around 60+?) and she has this russian accent,it's like you don't know whad she's talkinq about. O___O WEIRD! But she's quite effective tho.
After School,119ed to compass wib Jash and Kayleigh,then I was like begging them to qo to pizza hut,and they were like yooooo think we so rich arh?I promised them that I would pay most of the bill and thn they agreed.
Later on,Peied Jash to her organ place for practice.It was like in this tall buildinq? Oh! The lift we took was like super wide,it's like unimaginable.Hahas(: Anyways,we were like the elevator operator,we were like in the lift for about 15mins,going up and down,pressinq numbers that people wanna qo to.Lame riqqhtt? I know.But it was very effective for killing time.
Then we went to the room then Jash was practicing the organ while I was banging onto the piano.Oh,the room had loads of Organ and a piano.Hahas(:
Oh!After that,went bak to compass to window shop awhile then went bak home.
Was damn exhausted.Shortly after that,Marina called saying that she and Wuhan are outside my house and I was like WTF? Can't ju jue them wad.So,just let them in lorh.Let them watch Alvin and the chipmunks just to stall them cause didn't really had the mood to entertain.About half an hour later,Jash called begging me to follow her to AMK hub to make ez card.Thanks to her,managed to chase them out.Since they live near amk hub,Jash and I decided to use their
short cut route home,and it's by the creey underpass.It's damn creepy luh.

After dropping Wuhan and Marina home,we 25ed to amk hub.After doing Jashvini's damn card,we went to buy hers and Juanita's twilight tickets.I wanted to tag along,but she said JUANITA DIDN'T EXPECT YOU. I was like WHATEVA,but in my heart I was like damn sad.So,now she has new best friends and I am her ex huh? Fine then,so be it.
Later on,went to shop for clothes,and I saw this super nice tube dress,so,I bought it.Oh!Then we went to this sop selling loads of stuff and Jash saw this wig that she likes and wanted to try it on,let's see how it turned out.
After that,136ed home.(: Freaking exhausted.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10:41 PM

Had so much FUN.It was my mum's B'dae,so,Yea.HAPPY BIRTHDAY.Damn feel so lazy.
Anyways.Jash and Esther came to my house and we did some weird videos.So,here it is:

Pls Don't mind the lameness in this video.x.x

Monday, December 15, 2008!
HandWritten on; 4:55 PM

Oh!It was Shen's B'dae yesterday!But it's damn sad luh.No one made it.I was like the only friend/outsider there.Haix.I came cause I didn't wanna make her sad and had a fight with my parents,they said not to go,but I didn't listen to them.I'll always be behind my friend's back.
During tuition,Shen kept messaging me and the guy beside me was like OI!KEEP QUIET! and I was like WHATEVA.Teacher stared at me and she also heck care luhs.
After tuition,dad dropped me off at hougang mall and then met Shen there.Went to her house and waited for her family to finish taking all the food and stuff.
Later on,we had lunch at Lorong Ah soo Kopi Tiam.Nothing there was nice.Probably had too much western food in the past.But luckily I spotted a western store,but the food was abit blunt.Then we headed to the chalet,it was quite ok.Hahas(:
Went to checked out the room and guess wad? The ceiling was like super gross.There was this orange thing on the ceiling it look something like puke.Hahas(:
Aftd,Shen's siblings went to rent 2 bikes for night cycling and then we headed to e-hub for bowling.Oh right! The best part is that we traveled to e-hub in a van.It's like being the kidappers use to abduct kids the van?Ya know?and plus we were sitting behind,experiencing how the kid would feel.OK!That was retarted.
When we reached,we chiong to the bowling alley.But sadly,it was full house.So decided to play pool,but must be above 16 then can play.Lame riqhtt?Damn being a kid seems like a disadvantage,you can't do loads of stuff.So,ended up being at the arcade.It's boring!Oh.I only love silent hill(game) and the cube box(forgot wat it's called) which is some kind of music game machine,it's like testing your reaction.It was damn fun larhs.And alot of people were like watching.____. Friggin paiseh!Stayed there for like 3 hours.It's super boring!I hate the arcade.Maybe been there too many times last year so got bored of it.
Later on,spent our time drinking coffee at coffee bean.Shen's siblings were like super funny lorhs.Hmm.But Forgot wad they did.STM!Oh!Shen and I ordered cuppicino and we added loads of choco powder and vanilla powder,then we mix it up and it looks like shit! Oh riqhhtt!I added a little bit of salt too.So my drink was a little salty too.It's quite nice though.Cam whored at coffee bean and left.
When we went bak,they already started the bbq and Shen was already opening her presents.She got this pair of skates which doesn't really suits her.But at least can skate riqqhtt?So,ate a few sticks of suasages and headed .to pasir ris park to cycle and skate.It was quite dark and slippery though.Cycled a few rounds,headed back to chalet and cut cake.Oh!The cake was literally a barbie doll no more like the barbie doll was wearing the cake.it's damn girlish.If that was my cake,I might die of embarresment.Okayys,Shen did die of embarresment.Hahas.Oh! the doll wore garments and the garments was made of sweet.and everyone was like eating the garments,making the doll nude.Sick riqqhtt?Oh! Some guy washed the barbie doll.I bet he had a fine time.Damn my mind is polluted.___.
Okayys.After eating the cake and washing our feets,we headed to the room to play dai di.Let me remember the rule:spade is the biggest,heart's second,the clover is 3rd and diamonds is the smallest.So,that makes 3 of diamonds the smallest and you must always start with 3 of diamonds,so if someone has that card,dey will start first.And 2 of spades is the biggest.LOL?! Why am I doing this again?!Anyways,played with Shen and her siblings but sadly I had to go shortly after that.
Sad.So fast leave.It was like only 11 plus.*sigh* When we were only starting to have fun.My dad came at the wrong time. *sigh* .
Anyways Chao<3

HandWritten on; 3:12 PM

Saw this on someone's blog and since I'm bored,I decided to do it.

001. Real name → Melissa.
002. Nickname(s)→ Nancy...? XD .
003. Status → Single and non-available
004. Zodiac sign → Cancer(:
005. Male or female → Female
006. Elementary → chij olgc
007. Middle School → chij olgc
008. High School → chij sjc
010. Hair color → Black , brown,red
011. Long or short → middle o__o
012. Loud or Quiet → Both... ? LOL .
013. Sweats or Jeans → None
014. Phone or Camera → Phone
015. Health freak → LOL?!
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yeps:P
018. Eat or Drink → Both.
019. Piercings → one
020. Tattoos → None
023. First piercing → .______.
024. First best friend → Forgot her name liao LOLOL .
025. First award → Some kumon thingy?
026. First crush → Forgot

027. First pet →Fish ♥
028. First big vacation → Dream land
030. First big birthday → 1st?
049. Eating → none
050. Drinking → water?
052. I’m about to → shower.
053. Listening to → Live your life ♥
054. Plans for today →Practice piano playing?
055. Waiting for → The contractor to go away!x.x
058. Want kids? → Yes, not more than 2 :x.
059. Want to get married? → Neh.I wanna be a nun.ROFLMAO!
060. Careers in mind → Singerr?
068. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
070. Shorter or taller? → Taller Pl0x.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous :D
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → .__. NONE. LOL .
074. Sensitive or loud → Loud.
075. Hook-up or relationship → relationship.
077. Trouble maker or hesitant →Trouble maker.
080. Lost glasses/contacts → no
081. Ran away from home → no
082. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → yes:P
083. Killed somebody → right...
084. Broken someone’s heart → yea.But mended the person's heart liao.
085. Been arrested → no.But almost did.
087. Cried when someone died → nopes,as no one died yet. T_T
089. Yourself → sometimes
090. Miracles →yes
091. Love at first sight → nehs.No suuch thing
092. Heaven → yes
093. Santa Claus → no
094. Sex on the first date → O0
95. Kiss on the first date → Goodbye kiss?
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → nopes.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → idk ._.
099. Do you believe in God → Yeah.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag → Tag 8 people .
Anyone can Grab it(:

HandWritten on; 9:40 AM

Woah!Super lonq no bloq lerhhs.Came back from HK like 2 weeks lerh .____. Since I'm borred I'll just bloq about it. Hmms. At first, I was suppose to qo HK wib Jash, but her mother don't allow her (so mean!) so I ended up qoinq wib my mother's friend's dauqhter! (unfair!) I don't even know her lorrhs. Pathetic .___. going overseas with a complete stranqer. But anyways, she turn out to be quite nice (or was she just putting on an act?). HAHS. It was a 6 day trip. So,yea.OH Right! Our moms went there for medatating lessons so my yaya was taking care of us and my mom gave me like 2000 plus which = to HK 10000 plus. So nice riqqhtt?

Day 1
Went to the airport around 8.30 then go meet the qerl.She looks like kitju and tricia mix together .__. Name's Megan. Since it's our first meetinq,we didn't really open much to each other until evening time where we went shopping with my maidd since our moms force us to *sigh* and that's how we slowly open up. We stayed at some kind of hotel at HK side its something like geylang and bugis mix. Hmm.So She and her mom stayed in 1 room.My mom and I stayed 3 rooms apart from theirs and my maid stayed in another room(Her reward) beside Megan's room is another room .___. there were like super uber cute korean boys staying dere :D KAAWAAII! We were like gauging maybe not her o__O . Anyways we decided to prank people by pressing their door bell. It was super fun!We pranked the boys too, but sadly they didn't open the door): Anywayz,we pranked the room next to mine and there was like a bunch of people inside,as it was like super noisy.So,we pranked them, we press the doorbell like siao and then ran away to hide when they opened the door,they were like HELLO(: WTF? WHO WAS THE PERSON THAT SOORBELLED US? and we were like ROFLMAO! It was damn funny! Should have seen their reactions. After that, we got hungry so asked my yaya to follow us to 7 eleven. Since it was winter period,everyone on the streets were like wearing winter clothes and we were like wearing T-shirt and FBT.___. then all the eyes were like at us when we were on our way backk to the hotel I accidentally kicked a beer bottle then got one American-african
guy said becareful in cantonese and the rest of his friends were like guy howling sick riqqht?
When we reached the hotel we all decided to pick an outfit from my luggage for disney land tomorrow must be comfy and nice whadd.So,we picked the mango shirt and a pair of jeans and my hoodie,Why the hell are we talking about this? o.o we ate our dinner and went to bed.Later become fatt.Hahas
Day 2
Went to be4 going to disneyland my yaya was like searching a sim card for my phone which is suitable for overseas call since my phone wasn't roaming type then we waited somewhere near there,since it was super early, the shop was like still not open and we waited for about 2 hours so,Megan and I decided to explore the place when we were strolling,we stumbled upon a super nice clothes shop,it was like heaven! But too bad we didn't have money.So,we promise ourselves that we wld come bk on day 4 and shopp like hell.So... when we came back,my yaya was like waiting for us,then we went to take the cab.HK cab fare very ex.Take my advice and don't take the cab.So,at first,we went to the wrong hotel and we kinda made quite abit of chaos.The staff members were like YOU!Go to the other hotel! Yall belong there. And we were like WTF?! And they were like pointing to the paper which said in fine prints that we belong to the other hotel... ArGH! I hate Fine prints and I so do not want to stay in that crappy hotel... WTF???!!!But no choice.Luckily,they were kind enough to drive us to the other hotel.So,we checked in,left our bags dere and went to DisneyLand! It was like damn lame larh...The rides were so childish,but I love one ride,the space mountain.It's super fun larh!Stayed there for about 5 hours .hmm...after that went back hotel go buy swim suit then go swim. Megan and I were like the only ones there.The life guards there were like perverts,they kept staring at us when we were taking off our robes.Awkwardness.The hotel isn't so bad after all,at least they had a jucuzzi,and a slide stayed there for 1 hour then we went back into the hotel just wearing robes and bedroom slippers and we were like super wetthen the water was like dripping dripping onto the hotel floor.But they heck care.Went to buy dinner then went bak room.After dinner, went to do childish stuff like doing some craft work at the kiddy room.Megan dragged me there.It was like BORING! I HATE art! Who cares if I SUCK at it?The day just went by liddat.Wasted.
Hmm...Checked out of disney hotel,went back to the Hotel where our moms are having the meditation.We took the train!At Last.The train to DisneyLand was like super qrand.But the train to the city was like crappy.Went to shop at some shopping mall,saw alot of nice stuff but not enough money.I just got 1 Gorilla T-shirt.Then we went back to hotel.Rest awhile, and followed our moms to St Joseph Church.There were loads of philiphinos there we were like the only non-philiphinos.Even the priest was a philiphino.After that we went to the most famous restaurant in HK It's called the phoenix restaurant.It's super nice,velli the romantic lehs.Super grand the food there very nice and cheap.But got no people derh.The toilet also super nice.Hahas.It's like the top floor of tis super grand hotel then you can like see the whole view of HK.Hahas.
Day 4
Shopped like hell.Saw this super nice clothing store and it's like damn cheap luh.Bought some clothes for Jash and myself of cos.Hahas.I realized that in HK,they don't allow yall to try on the clothes.Lame luh.Plus got no refund too.___. Oh!I went to this super expensive shop and I was like wearing simple simple clothes,then the staff there were like keeping an eye on me(who wants to steal their stuff?) So stupid.That shop also got no people derh.Must be too ex bah.But I saw this super nice T-Shirt and I tried it on and the woman said Ah gerl.You can never ever afford derh.Look down on people.But I insisted on buying it.And she was like super shock lorhs.Retarted Shit luh she.Did some errands for my mom and da baoed MacDonalds back to the hotel.
Day 5
Hmm...Went to macau and we got into some kind of super cool jet and occupied the VIP room.Damn cool lorhs.People were like staring at us.Reached Macau and gave the fortune teller a visit.He helped us see our fortune.He said that I'm really smart and will marry a rich scholar in the future and probably migrate to some other country.Yea right.I love Singapore and will never ever migrate!He's a fake luh.Stayed there like 3 hours and our moms promised tat it would only take half an hour.LIAR luh.Hmm...After that went to some super sweet hotel then they went to gambel and we went to get our hair done.First time curling my hair!And it made me look like some old granny... After that,went to have lunch the place was like super nice

The Lunch Place?

Tis guy has a super loud and nice voice
Human Not Statue!

Went back to Hk.And went night shopping!Shop till 10 plus,then shops closed.Da baoed Mac's back to hotel,Played Dai di pack luggage and slept.
Day 6
Bought twilight guide book at the airport.Read the book and waited to board the plane.Haix,Day 6 Boring luh.Flew back,family welcome us home from the airport.That's basically it.My hands pain lerh.I wanna pee.