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oh please.

own a guitar
Sony camera
Learn how to play the guitar
iPod nano 4th generation
Roxy bag
Learn how to play the drums
Be super pro in Fencing
Pink volleyball
Another piercing
Lightblue skinnies
Clique outing
C-walk more pro
Tube Dress
Learn hip-hop dance
Watch twilight&MADAGASCAR 2!&BOLT


Sing along.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Cheryl Y
Cheryl L
Hannah Nah(:
Jie Min(:
Mel Poh(:
Michelle Wong(:
Designer Basecodes

November 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009
Hello. My name is melmakSY♥.
:D! Give me presents! On 1707! I'll accept anything! :D
I'm an SJCian currently in 1F 2h, haha.:D
Currently single and unavailable!:D
Some people calls her Mel:P
A very RANDOM and Crazy girl:D
She belongs to the SJC Fencing Team:D
Like this, If no click x and GTH!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:35 PM

Happy New Year Everyone!
I'm Super satisfied with my angbaos(:
Went E's house to do video and photo shoot.Stupid cramps always get in the way...So,didn't stay long.Cousins came at night to play black jack.Won $28. See! Even noobs can be PROs sometimes.LOL.
Oh!I have this taiwan cousin,and she always rolls her friggin eyes at us. What a biatch. If she roll her eyes at ME or MY cousins ever again,I'll swear I'll dig out her eye balls and make it into juice. She's damn irratating arh...
I end my entry with a grudge.

Monday, January 12, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:43 PM

Lessons officially started today.
Went through stupid rule.Who listens to them anywys?NERDS?They even break rule something derh lorh.
OH!The physics teacher was super funny luh.I didn't know that old people has a sense of humour in them.LOL. He also damn perverted luh.OF COS,when boys turn old,they always super bian tai want luh.(Grandma's theory)
Walked to my friend's future house with my dad.It's super nice luh.So,she's gonna be my new neighbour.OH JOY! .___. Anyways,when walking back that time,got this random woman overheard Our conversation and she suddenly butt in saying,"AH GERL!You only Sec 2 arh?SO TALL AND PRETTY." and I was like errhhh...-.-" TY?Weird luhs.
Oh!Megan came at night(the future neighbour) then I just stonned on my balcony while she admired my house.It's sad that she stayed for a short period.About 5-10 mins?
Wanna go watch the 9pm show.

Sunday, January 11, 2009!
HandWritten on; 4:58 PM

oo1. What have you been doing recently?>>Making retarted videos and posting it on youtube.
002. Do you ever turn yr cell phone off?>>Rarely
003. What happened at 10am today?>>Tuition.
oo4. When did you last cry?idk.
oo5. Believe in fate/destiny?>>yepps.
006.What do you want in yr life now?>>Make more friends?
007.Do you carry a umbrella when it rains or just put up yr hood?>>no.Who does that?
008.Whats yr favourite thing to have on yr bed?>>The red toy that Jash gave.
oo9. What bottoms are you wearing now?>>FBT.
oo10.Whats the nicest thing in yr inbox says?>>Can you please dye your hair blue causee that's my fav colour.(Lincoln)
0011.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?>>Yes
0012.Are you wearing anything borrowed frm someone?>> nope
0013.What was the last movie you caught?>>Twilight.(it was a total disappointment.)
0014. What are you proud of?>>nothing.
0015. What does yr oldest text msg in yr inbox says?>>Mel!Got Ham sap loh here!He's stalking me!Very ugly lehs. <0016.What was the last song you sang out loud?I like big butts and I can't lie.
0017.Do you have any nicknames?>>I guess so?
0018.What does yr last receive text msg says?>>I can go park.(Jash)
0019.What time did you go to bed last nite?>>12 plus?
0020.Are you currently happy?>> Heck yea.
0021.Who gives you the best advice?>>No one,they come out with rubbish.
0022Do you eat whipped cream straight frm the can?>>yes.
0023.Who did you talk on the phone last nite?>>Jash?
0024.Is something bugging you now?>> no.
0025.What/who was the last person to make you laugh?Loads of ppl.
0026.Do you wear toe socks?>>Sometimes,mom bought alot.
0027.Who was the last person you missed a call frm?>>Jash.OMFG!I just missed her call damn it,stupid quiz.
0028.Have you ever had yr heart broken?>>no.
0029.What annoys you most in a person?>> When the person keeps sticking to you and won't go away.
0030.Do you have a crush on someone?>> Not now.
0031.Have you ever done cocaine?>>er...no.
0032.What is the colour of yr room?>> white
0033.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks?>>If I super hate that person.Yea.
0034.Do you believe in the saying, 'Talk is cheap'?>>Yepps.
0035.Who was the last person to lie in yr bed?>>Cousin.
0036.Who was the last person to hug you?>>Jomelle.
0037. Who was the last person you punched?>>Jashvini
0038.Do you have a life?>>Hell Yeah!
0039.Have you ever thought someone died,when they didnt?>>No
0040.What is the reason behind yr profile song?>>The singer looks like my old crush?
0041.Who was the last person you saw in yr dreams?>>Some hot guy raping someone? o.o
0042.Last time you smiled?>>Now.
0043.Have you changed tis year?>>Yea.
0044.What are you listening to rite now?>>NigaHiga-Ninja Glare
0045.Are you talkin to someone while doing this?>>my maid
0046.Do you walk with yr eyes closed or open?>>Open.
0047.Is there a quote you live by>>Play=Reward.
0048.Do you want someone you can nvr have?>>Last time,but it was ridiculous.
0049.Have you ever played an instrument?>>Piano,Guitar,Drums,Recorder.
0050.What was the worst idea you've had this week?>>:x
0051.What were you doin last nite at 11pm?>>Watching some beauty peagent
0052.Are you happy with your love life righte now?>>Yeps.
0053.What song best describes yr love life?>>How i Know?
0054.Does the person noe you love him?>>nopes.
0055.Who always makes you laugh?>>Jash,Esther,Clique.
0056.Do you speak other languages other than english?>>Chinese, singlish,Cantonese.
0057.Favourite websites?>> Loads.
0058.Whats yr middle name?>>Blur Blur.
0059.What are you doin tomorrow?* School,frolicking.
0060.What do you think you are like?>> Interior Designer?(yea right...)
0061.Who will you choose to die with?>>No one.
0062.Where have you been today?>>Tuition,Park,home,Esther's house.
0063.What game do you play often?>>World's edition of Monopoly!
0064.Who are you missing now?>>no one.
0065.If you had to choose between yr fren or yr lover which will you choose?>>depends.
0066.What are you doin rite now?>>Quiz,Buenoing,Typing,Talking to my maid.
0067.Which primary school are you frm?>>OLGC
0068.Name 3 colours that you like?* black & red&Hot Pink.
0069.What emotion do you like to show?>>__
0070.What is yr life to you?>>BORING?
0071.If you have something bothering you wat will you do?* depends .
0072.Who did you last chat on msn today?>>Wang.
0073.Who do you admire the most?>>NihaHiga
0074.Which month were you born in?>>July.
0075.How are you feeling rite now?>>sad.
0076.What is the time now?>>9:01pm
0077.What kinda person do you think of the one who tagged you?>>no one tagged.I'm just using this as entertainment.
0078.What colour did you use to dye yr hair?>>red,Brown and golden.
0079.Why are you doing this test?>>coz i'm friggin' bored.
0080.What do you do when you are moody?Scream into pillow.
0081.At which age do you wish to get married?>>20plus?
0082.Who is more important to you?*>>everyone?
0083.If today was the last day of yr life wat would you do?>>Spend it happily with my close ones,so that they'll always have this impression on me.
0084.Who is the person you trust the most?>>no one.
0085.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?* duh-.- it's scientifically true.
0086.If you had a dream come true wat would it be?>>Never ending wishes.
0087.What is yr goal for this yr?>> Go to sec 3 exp.
0088.Do you believe in eternity love?* yeps.
0089.What feelin do you love the most?* Adrenaline.
0090.Do you think its Global Warming now?>>Yea.BTW,Singapore has been feeling cold these past few days.
0091.What feeling do you hate the most?>>Lonely.
0092.You like doing quizzes?>>When I'm borred.
0093.Do you believe in God?>>Yeps.
0094.Who cares for you the most?>>Family.
0095.What do you think is the most important thing in yr life?>>Phone,iPod,Camera and laptop!
0096.What will you bring when you fight?>> my brain and a gun(If I have one,Oh I do,but inside got no bullets derh.)
0097.What have you regretted doing yr whole life.>>Loads
0098.What would you do if nobody cared for you?>>Idk.
0099.What would you do if yr boyfren/girlfren two-timed you?>>IGNORE!
0100.How do you feel now?>>Happy that I'm done with this stupid quiz.

HandWritten on; 4:10 PM

OMigosh!I actually came out of camp ALIVE! Camp was so-so did I say so-so? I mean it sucked.
Everything sucked.The food,the shower.the bed.and especially thehumans.

First day,did ice breakers,the ball ball game and the human trolley was quite fun,but on the next day,I had cramps and can't do the high elements.
Oh!My class went to shines(private school) for high elements,that place was super not nice but I like their uniforms.I did abselling and rock climbing,due to the muscle cramps I had,my mission of reaching the top for rock climbinhg FAILED.
Abselling was super fun.People say that it way scary hanging from the thing,it's like leaning onto thin air and you could drop anytime,scary meh?Oh!The guy didn't tie the thing properly then he kept pulling me in for like 5 times?LOL!
Did not do the lower element stuff cause somepeoplewerehoggingit.
Campfire was the best man!After that,we had 15 mins non-stop music.I was like dancing with a whole bunch of my friends,then they formed a circle around me and mala then cheered for us to dance.LOL!It's super fun luh.
Next day was home sweet home.
BTW why does so many people thinks that the 2B instructor is hot? o__o weird.

HandWritten on; 3:48 PM

1. Name: Jash
2. Does he or she have a bf/gf? >> No.
3. Do you know a secret about him/her? >>Yes
4. Is this person older than you? >> No.(youner by 4 months)
5. Has he/she ever cooked for you? >> Yeah.
When was the last time you thought of him/her? >> Now
7. Do you have a nickname for each other? >> Aha.
8. How many times do you talk to this person? >Every second .__.
10. Have you seen this person cry? >> aha. x.x
11. How long have you known this person? >>7 years
12. Have you ever been to the mall with this person? >>YaHah
13. Have you ever had a sleepover with him/her? >> Yupps.She's a fastsleeper O_o
14. If you ever moved away would you miss this person ? >>Duhh.
15. Have you ever given this person something? >> yepps.
16. Have you ever done something really stupid with this person? >>all the time
17. Have you ever made something with this person? >> Videos,then we post on youtube.
18. Have you fought before? >>yeah
19. Do you know everything about this person? >>I think so.
20. person's shoe size? >>1 size bigger than mine
21. Have you ever worn this person's clothes? >>yepps.
22. Have you ever heard this person sing? >>yahHah.
23. Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 days?>>Yeps.We totally ignore each other.I think I even threw her lunch box cover from the 4th floor and threw her uniform belt from the 2nd floor then threw the chair at her.(supper long ago.) Woah now to think of it, I was really scary back then.Oh,then I slammed all the classroom window and she left me crying in the classroom all alone.I was damn heartbrokened luh.
24.Have you and this person went clubbing? >>No luhh.
25. Do you know how to make this person feel happy? >>poke her belly button.
26. Do you and this person talk a lot? >>yeppss
27. who is his/her crush?? >>Robert Pattison?
28. Has this person yelled at you? >>Yeps.
29. Has this person always been there? >>ALWAYS
30. Do you want to be with him/her forever? >>UhHuh(not in the lesbiany way)

Got this quiz from friend.Anyone can do it.

Friday, January 2, 2009!
HandWritten on; 5:21 PM

OMG!Today was the 2nd worse day of my life, and plus it's the 1st day of school.Ya know why it sucks?Firstly,Jash isn't in the same class as ME!
Secondly,my class sucks as there were lots of ... people.
Thirdly,the stupid form teacher found out that I dyed my hair and she brought me to the DM luckily,she was nice to let me go and redye my hair to black by monday.
ZOMG!WTF?My beautiful hair(...)!
Freaking heart-brokened.
I can predict that this year would sure be a really tough year.